Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Proof is in the People

Like most of my peers introspective thoughts about this trip, I had my doubts as to whether or not I, Rebecca Weiser, would really make a difference to the Argentinian Jewish community. After four days of painting and refurbishing the Mark Chagall Jewish Day School gym, my doubts increased. I flew over 10 hours to Argen-freaking-tina, and all I got out of it was a pair of ruined sneakers, some boxed kosher meals, and some cute pictures?


I felt this way until I more actively started engaging the Argentinians around me. After thought provoking and reassuring discussions, I concluded the following:

1) My Spanish sucks.
2) We really did make a difference. Education is key in building any society, and by improving the facility's morale we made an impact on these kids' future.
3) Our presence alone, affected both them and me. It sent the message of Jewish solidarity and continuity, as well as sharing the benefits of our respective cultures.
4) My sneakers were old anyways.

Long story short, it wasn't until I started speaking with the PEOPLE did I realize this trip's importance. Engaging the locals opened my eyes to how much we really impacted the community and how much they will truly benefit from our work.

The moral of the story?
Sometimes you need to step away and appreciate the bigger picture over a cup of matte and a buddy to help see the other side. Get out there, have those conversations, and find other ways to connect. Relationships make HUGE impacts in life, so whatever you´re doing, make sure it´s with a smile and a friend. Really, folks... the proof is in the people.

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